Tuesday, January 14, 2020


The Christmas Tree

Flakes of snow were falling
As we cut our Christmas tree.
It was a Holiday tradition,
Done ceremoniously.

Every year about this time
As Christmas came around;
We'd hike up to the mountains
And a gorgeous tree was found.

We pulled it through the forest
As we sang a Christmas song.
An old family tradition;
All the family came along.

The horses would wait impatiently
To take us homeward bound;
Anxious to go back to the barn
They pawed the snowy ground.

The ride back home was enchanting
As the moon and stars appeared;
Laughter filled the nighttime sky;
Christmas Day was getting near.

And after all the decorations
Were hung with special care;
We'd gather round the tree so grand
And in wonderment did stare.

I shall always remember
How it was such a thrill;
Hunting the perfect Christmas tree;
Memories I cherish still.

Toni Britton
The Calico's Mom  October 22, 2001

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