Sunday, August 23, 2020


The Christmas Stranger

At Christmas time there was a man,
Who looked so out of place,
As people rushed about him,
At a hurried sort of pace.

He stared at all the Christmas lights,
The tinsel everywhere,
At the shopping center Santa Claus,
With children gathered near.

The mall was packed with shoppers
Who were going to and fro---
Some with smiles, some with frowns,
And some too tired to go.

The music from the stereo
Was playing loud and clear,
Of Santa Claus and snowmen,
And funny - nosed reindeer.

He heard the people talk about
The good times on the way,
Of parties, fun and food galore,
And gifts exchanged that day.

"I'd like to know what's going on,"
This man was heard to say;
"There seems to be some sort of
Celebration on the way."

"And would you tell me who this is,
All dressed in red and white?
And why are children asking him
About a special night?"

The answer came in disbelief:
"I can't believe my ear!
I can't believe you do not know
That Christmas time is here!"

"It's the time when Santa comes around,
With gifts for girls and boys;
While they're asleep on Christmas Eve,
He brings them lots of toys!"

"The children learn of Santa Claus
While they are still quite small.
When Christmas comes, he is the most
Important one of all!"

The stranger hung His head in shame,
He closed His nail - pierced hand;
His body shook in disbelief,
He did not understand.

A shadow crossed His stricken face,
His voice was low, but clear:
"After all these years, they still don't know."
And JESUS shed a tear.
~Author Unknown~

As we prepare for all the holiday hustle and bustle, please,  always remember :JESUS is the reason for the season!
Have a blessed and happy Christmas!

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior,
which is Christ the Lord. - Luke 2:11

Adapted from Dede'sWalk Of Life

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Thursday, August 6, 2020


Twas A Christmas Bike

Twas the night before Christmas she lay in bed
As the star-of-Bethlehem twinkled overhead
Mommy and daddy were downstairs fast asleep
And all through the house was not heard a peep.

Brother's in the cradle in the room below her
And outside dancing snowflakes gently stir
A frosty Christmas Eve has quietly filled the air
As she clasp little hands to repeat a Christmas prayer.

The last curl of smoke rose from the chimney that night
As daddy's little princess closed wishful eyes tight
And with all her might she prayed with heart aflutter
As Santa's reindeer rose to the sky she would mutter.

"Dear Lord Jesus in Heaven it's Heather down here
I'm sure you know I became a big girl this year
And I've been mostly good to everyone's delight
So please put a bicycle in Santa's sleigh tonight."

For her birthday was a doll that said mama with a wink
But what she wanted most was a bicycle of pink,
Notes to Santa was scribbled for each of her four years,
Mom sent the last stained with a few precious tears.

Now all through the town by this snowy Christmas Eve
Such hard-times had settled no one could believe,
It was up to Santa to provide for all Christmas morn
As they celebrated the day baby Jesus was born.

Once-upon-a-time in the wee hours before daylight
A golden bolt of light flashed through the night
And just for a blink of an eye there seemed to appear
A laughing man in a sleigh pulled by reindeer.

Such a clatter was made as he sleighed to Heathers' home
Then with a shout "Merry Christmas" he was gone
And that morning she stood before the tree with a blink
Before her twinkling eyes was a bicycle of pink.

Christmas Bike - ©Written by: Kenneth J. Ellison 11-25-11

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Tuesday, August 4, 2020


What Children Heard

We all know that children and adults don't look at the world the same way. Well, it seems they don't HEAR the same, either. You're sure to get a chuckle out of some of these favorite old Christmas carols, as sung by the children:

"On the first day of Christmas, my tulip gave to me a partly gingerbread tree..."

"Later on, we'll perspire, as we drink by the fire...."

"He's making a list, chicken and rice...."

"Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel; Barney's the King of Israel...."

"Felice never died, Felice never died..."

"Olive, the other reindeer...."

"Sleep in heavenly peas......"

"In the meadow we can build a snowman, And pretend that he is parched and brown...."

"Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, The little Lord Jesus laid down his swing set..."

"You'll go down in Listerine..."

"Oh come, froggy faithful..."

"Oh what fun it is to ride with one horse, soap, and hay...."

"Round young birds in mother and child...."

"As shepherds washed their socks by night...

And, a new one added this year by my very own grandson (age 5):

"Four college birds, three french hens, two purple doves, and a partridge in a pear tree"

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