Friday, August 9, 2024


List: Holiday Picture Books

Sunday, August 4, 2024


Christmas Phobias

Many people dread the Christmas season for many reasons.
Although the season is stressful, most people don't have actual phobias connected with the holidays. But Christmas is stressful. And it seems to aggravate a lot of phobias.

Ochlophobia or Agoraphobia - Fear of Crowds
It also includes fear of lines, traffic jams and even social
events. Many people suffer from just the fear of not pleasing
others during this season and end up overwhelm themselves with too much responsibility.

Katagelophobia - Fear of ridicule or embarrassment
This might include not giving the right gift, being around family and their comments,
Christmas party pranks, etc.

Mythophobia - Fear of making a false statement
Slipping and telling a secret you shouldn't, or what someone got someone, etc.

Social Phobias
 - Eating, Speaking, Dancing, etc. in public -

Pogonophobia - Fear of Beards
Sounds crazy but some people fear Santa's beard.
And suddenly men with beards are abundant during Christmas.

Pediophobia - Fear of Children
It seems odd, but some people fear kids.

Pediophobia - Fear of Dolls
More toys are on display and these people find it stressful.
A normal grocery store suddenly might have dolls to sell where they normally did not.

Dronophobia - Fear of Driving on Expressways
With traffic a mess during the holidays, those who hate freeways usually avoid them.
More traffic means greater chances your off-streets are not available due to
accidents or being jammed up.

Cherophobia - Fear of Fun
Believe it or not, some people fear smiling and having a holly jolly good time.

Clinophobia - Fear of Going to Bed
For some it's being afraid of the dark. For others it's a fear of
missing out on what's going on. For others they are afraid they'll
never wake up if they go to bed.

Decidophobia - Fear of Unable to Make Decisions
Christmas time is full of decisions and for those that have a hard
time with them, or are afraid of making the wrong ones, this is
a bit of an overload for them.

Phonophobia - Fear of Loud Talking or Noises
Some people actually panic over holiday music pumped over the speakers at
malls, stores, etc. And, others simply can not tolerate loudness in any way.

Xenophobia - Fear of Strangers
This of course would not apply to going to malls, church etc. because these people simply would not go there. But Christmas is a time when you never know WHO might pop in? For those who fear strangers, this can suddenly be devestation.

Haphenphobia - Fear of Being touched or having to touch others
A surprise kiss under a mistletoe or a holiday good cheer hug for these
people is like a sudden slap and totally throws them off-balance.

Hodophobia - Fear of Traveling
This is a bit different than agoraphobia because these people are not afraid to leave home, they just have a fear of HOW they leave the house. With some, as long as
they walk it's fine. But public transportation, flying, etc. is a major problem.
For others, "traveling" is all based on how far they determine in their minds a travel is. For some travel isn't travel if it's in the same town. For others it's only if they leave the state. And yet for others travel is simply NOT being in your home.

Ecclestaphobia - Fear of Churches

Doraphobia - Fear of Fur

For the most part people usually have what is termed the Holiday Blues, more than phobias.  Also see: These Phobias from ChristmasCountdownUK

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