There are 296 days until Christmas!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Keep The Home Fires Burning

In times of war and turmoil
In places far away
Our hearts are joined in unison
With love we send your way

We keep the fires burning
Within our homes and hearts
For every day's a precious one
Although we're far apart

Each day as you awaken
Upon a foreign soil
We think about your sacrifice
With "freedom's cry" for all

And so it is this season
When love is what we share
We reach out to our loved ones
In silent reverent prayer

We hold you close in spirit
We pray for your return
Knowing that your sacrifice
Is glory you have earned

And so it is you're with us
Until you shall return
Holding on to hope and peace
With glory you have earned.

~ Francine Pucillo ~
Copyright November 24, 2007

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