Saturday, October 30, 2021


Twas A Week Before Christmas on Capitol Hill

The following poem was written by Kevin Baker of Shelby, NC. It was read on WBT-AM radio on 12/22/09.

Twas a week before Christmas, when on Capitol Hill
The democrats were working, on the ObamaCare bill
Americans did not want it, the Dems did not care
Backdoor deals being cut, transparency nowhere

The children were nestled all snug in their beds
Unaware of a future jeopardized by the feds
Myself and my wife, part of the unemployed mob
Were staying up late, for we didn't have a job

When out in the yard there arouse such a rauckus
The last noise I heard like this came from Max Baucus
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Faster than the government can print up new cash

The moon that night, oh how strong it did shine
So bright you could even read our foreclosure sign
When what did I see coming near from afar
A mega-green hybrid electric Volt car

With fanfare a plenty, a real hype-orama
I knew in a flash it must be Obama.
Yes it was Barack, Oh yes this I did know
For he has been on every magazine and show.

On Oprah, on Dateline, on Primetime and Leno
On The View, on Wipeout, four times on The Late Show
From The New York Times to The Wall Street Journal
His face was as familiar as the KFC Colonel

He spoke not a word, his teleprompter was broke
And the gift that he gave me I thought was a joke
He presented no gift to bring me a thrill
All that he gave me was a higher tax bill

For a guy who spent trillions, I thought this was cheap
And the hike in the taxes was very, very steep
But that’s the way it goes, for I am middle class
When government needs money, it bites us in the ….wallet

He sprang to his hybrid, the gears he did wind
And left not a single carbon footprint behind
Then he exclaimed to me, his higher tax debtor
“When I promised change, I didn't say for the better!”

Poem by Kevin Baker Shelby, NC

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