Monday, December 18, 2023


Forever Knight Before Christmas

Summary: A Christmas poem. All alone on Christmas Eve, Nick Knight receives a surprise visit from a jolly old fellow full of Christmas cheer.
Disclaimer: This story was written using the characters and situations from "Forever Knight" from Glen Warren Productions. No infringement is intended.
Forever Knight is a Canadian television series about Nick Knight, an 800-year-old vampire working as a police detective in modern-day Toronto, Ontario

Written By Fran Glass 2019

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the loft, not a creature was stirring, not even a moth.

A fire was lit by remote control to help keep the place from appearing so cold.

The message light on the machine flashed bright red, but it would have to wait until after I'd fed.

Having just awaken from a long day's rest, the cow's blood in the fridge was my number one quest.

I uncapped a bottle and gulped it down greedily, emptying the contents quite neat and speedily.

I recalled Nat's words to keep my hunger at bay. "It's the blood, you know, that keeps you that way."

I believe it's possible she may be quite right. I vow to give up the blood, but not tonight.

For it's the eve of another holiday I'll not celebrate. No candlelight services or Christmas feasts to partake.

To my few human friends, I've given lame reason why I can't share in their joyous holiday season.

To my vampire family, I'm considered the fool for even wishing to embrace this mortal Yule.

On my machine, I find only a message of nuisance from a tele-marketer wishing to sell me insurance.

No doubt this will be a cheerful Christmas for many. To me, it's a reminder of my lonely infinity.

Suddenly, upon the roof there arose such a clatter, I flew to the skylight to see what was the matter.

And what to my golden eyes should appear but my maker, LaCroix looking rather queer.

He was dressed all in black except for the hat on his head which was trimmed with white fur, the rest of it red.

It was probably the oddest thing I'd ever seen. LaCroix with a big sack and an eight-foot evergreen.

"Merry Christmas, Nicholas," he spoke with great pride. "Would you care to help me get all this inside?"

And so I did, helped him with the bag and the tree. Then finally questioned him about his unusual glee.

He told me he'd been visited by three spirits that day, from the future, past and present, they showed him the way.

He'd seen his existence in a brand new light and wanted to share with me his new lease on life.

So together we decorated the tree, having great fun, then stood back and marveled over a job well done.

Afterwards, we sat reminiscing, never noticing the time, until at midnight when we heard distant church bells chime.

As we stood at the window and watched the snow begin to fall, I wished him Merry Christmas.

Indeed. A Merry Christmas after all.

The End

Shared from: Fran's Place   
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