Friday, December 25, 2020


Storytime Day 25: From A Soldier At Christmas Time

I’ll be with you for Christmas,
In each twinkling light you see.
I’ll be the angel of love this year,
That tops your Christmas tree.

As the snow flakes start to fall,
Floating gently to the ground.
There I’ll be for you to touch,
In each flake I can be found.

The voice you hear in your heart,
As you sing your carols of cheer,
Will be mine joining in with yours,
So there’s no reason for tears.

The many long miles between us,
Will cease to exist Christmas day.
I’ll be right there inside your heart,
Until I can come home to stay.

Stars you see, well I see them too,
We’ll share the soft moonlit sky.
Soon I’ll hold you once again,
You’ll see how time will fly.

© Norma Marek ~ 6th December 2003

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