Sunday, December 6, 2020


Storytime Day 6: The Christmas Moon

Advent Day Six - Children's Christmas Story 2020

by: Mrs. Albert G. Latham

Little Lois had been to a charming Christmas party, and she was quite sorry when her big brother and sister came to take her home.

"Father Christmas has been to the party," she told them. "He gave me this funny paper thing, and says it will grow big and bright like a moon when it is lit up."

"I wish he would come and sweep those great clouds away from the real moon," said Roger. "It's so dark I can't see what path we are taking."

"And it's beginning to snow!" cried Cicely. "What fun! Three lost children out in the snow!"

"I'm dreffly frightened," said little Lois. "Carry me, Roger. I don't like being a lost child."

So Roger picked her up in his arms, and they wandered on in the darkness.

"Oh, dear Father Christmas, send us a moon!" cried Lois.

"Couldn't we light the one he gave you?" asked Cicely.

"Why, of course," said Roger, as he set Lois down, pulled out a box of matches, and lit the candle of the Chinese lantern.

"Oh, it's a lovely moon!" cried Lois, clapping her hands with delight. "It makes pretty colours all over you, Cicely."

I don't know whether Lois's lovely moon would have been quite bright enough to lead them to the right path, but it did something as good, for a voice came to them suddenly out of the darkness:

"Is that a will-o'-the-wisp that I see glimmering there, and will it help me to find three lost children?"

And of course it was Daddy come to look for them, and he declared he might never have found them, if the pretty paper moon had not led him to the very spot where they were.

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