Today starts the 50 Days Before Christmas and The Random Acts Of Kindness to bring us all into the upcoming holiday season with a sense of purpose.
1 Be a holiday helper – volunteer to deliver local christmas cards
2 Clean up the area where you live by picking up litter. Make sure you wear gloves and do it with an adult.
3 Cook dinner for your family
4 Deice your neighbours windshields in the morning
5 Deliver cookies to your neighbours
6 Donate a coat or jumper to charity (leaving a happy note in the pocket)
7 Donate books to your school library
8 Donate pet food to a local shelter
9 Donate to the local food bank
10 Dontae this weeks pocket money to charity
11 Find three of your toys to give to the local childrens hospital
12 Give a homeless person a blanket
13 Give a lottery ticket to a stranger
14 Give out a complement
15 Give out free hugs today
16 Help round the house without being asked to
17 Hold the door open for people all day
18 Introduce yourself to someone new at school and chat with them
19 Invite a new friend for a play date or out to play
20 Leave a beautiful homemade bookmark in your library book and give one to the Librarian
21 Leave chalk messages around where you live
22 Leave change in the vending machine
23 Leave out water for the birds
24 Leave the pound in the shopping trolley next time you go to the supermarket
25 Let someone go in front of you in a queue
26 Make a bird feeder
27 Make a christmas card for the school receptionist
28 Make a thank you card for the school crossing staff
29 Make a tree decoration for your baby sitter
30 Make christmas cards for your neighbours
31 Make christmas flowers for the reception at school
32 Offer to help an elderly friend or neighbour with their christmas decorations
33 Offer to pack the shopping bags of the person in front of you and behind you at the supermarket
34 Pass on some of your books to friends
35 Put together a shoebox for your local church
36 Ring an elderly relative and have a nice chat to them
37 Send a care package to someone in the military
38 Sharpen all the pencils in the classroom at breaktime
39 Sit next to someone you normally don’t at the lunch table and be nice to them
40 Smile all day
41 Sort through your toys and donate any that you no longer play with to charity or your local church
42 Take everyone in your class a candy cane or cookie
43 Take poinsettias to your nearest nursing home
44 Tidy your bedroom
45 Walk someone elses dog
46 Wash your parents car
47 Write a letter to your sibling telling them why you love them
48 Write a note and mail them to the houses with great christmas lights saying thank you for lighting up their house for you to see
49 Write a thank you note for the bin collectors and post person
50 Write thank you cards for your teacher, coach, Cubs leader or people that have influenced you in a positive way
Date Determined at
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