Thursday, December 15, 2022


Checking His List

Santa begins checking his lists
He wants to be sure nobody gets missed.

Today's Song is ...

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town - Instrumental

Today's Inspiring Poem is ...

Reading down his big long list
Santa’s face…. Lit into a smile
So many children wanting things
He’d be busy for quite a while

Each year the list grows longer
Elves are working ‘Triple Time"
Making dolls, soldiers and things
There is neither reason, nor rhyme

Mrs. Santa’s always busy baking
Oh… So many delightful things
Cookies in the shape of reindeers
And little angels, with halo rings

Happily, elves are quickly knitting
Chimney stockings, in red and white
To hold toys, candies and treats
Making sure every stitch is…tight

With pipe in hand, Santa sits down
Preparing to check his list twice
Making sure each girl and boy
Wasn’t too naughty … but nice

The names appearing on Santa’s list
Are from children… Everywhere
So anxiously waiting on "Santa"
To deliver his… Christmas cheer

Then Santa laughed, his Ho, Ho, Ho!
Meaning, everything’s almost set
For him to begin his long Sleigh Ride
Making this the "Best Christmas" yet!

Copyright 2004© Judith Johnson Kypta 

Don’t forget…"Jesus is the Reason for the Season!"
Wishing Everyone "A Wonderful Holiday Season!"

View thee Original Dektop Version of this poem

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