Friday, December 2, 2022


Dear Santa ...

It's time to write your Christmas letter, 
Remembering others is even better.

Today's Song is ...

Jolly Ol' St. Nicholas - Instrumental

Today's Inspiring Story is ...

This year I don't want to ask for anything new. I want to ask for things that exist but have been lost over time. So I want to ask you ...

Give faith back to men, lest they despair in the face of adversity.

Give back hope, so that they always look ahead, with their heads held high.

Give back the capacity to be moved, because only broken hearts are able to think of others.

Return innocence, just in the right measure, so that goodness can be installed before evil in people's lives.

Return the pure look of children so that they grow and mature at the right time.

Return humility, so that people can recognize that we are all the same, just dressed differently, but that this does not change the material from which we were formed.

Give back all the laughs possible, the ones that make us forget the pain and disappointments.

Return the fraternity, so that we can all feel like an immense family on earth.

Return, in everyone's hearts, the shine of the shooting star and the precious message of the cross of Christ.

Return the goodness, the tenderness, the sweetness ...

Please give us back the ability to forgive and, above all, to forget when they hurt us. Because You know, as I do, that the bitterness we hold in our hearts prevents us from living fully.

Return wisdom, so that we can choose our paths.

Give everyone back the reality that Christmas is much more than a traditional party.

Return all this in small seeds, so that the plants have time to grow and establish firm roots and that later, grown plants, can give new seeds to be planted.

Are you thinking that I forgot to ask you to return love? No ... Is that I thought that returning all of the above, love has already been returned in the first place.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas!

View thee original Deasktop Version of: "Dear Santa, Please"

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