Bundle up warm, no reason to freeze Today's Song is ...Let It Snow, Let It Snow - Instrumental Today's Inspiring Story is ...Summary: Christmas 1998 Holiday Story. Disclaimer: Some of the characters in this story belong to the UPN Network and Pet Fly Productions as part of the television show The Sentinel. I do not claim these characters as my own. No money has changed hands. Notes: "Suzy Snowflake" was written by Sid Tepper and Roy C. Bennett. Here comes Suzy Snowflake, Dressed in a snow-white gown, Tap, tap, tappin' at your windowpane To tell you she's in town. Something woke Blair. He lay in bed, eyes closed, listening. Nothing ... silence. That's what it was ... the quiet. Blair cracked opened his eyes and peered at the bedside clock. Red illuminated numbers said it was 3:30am. He yawned and snuggled deeper under the blankets. The loft was cold and Blair thought for a moment about getting another blanket, but sleep overtook him before he had a chance to remember where the extra wool blanket was. In the loft bedroom above Blair, Jim also was awakened by the silence. He heard his roommate stir and shift in his bed below. Jim smiled lazily to himself as he listened to the younger man sigh softly and settle back into peaceful slumber. Then he was back in silence ... unusual silence. Jim lay there, letting his senses reach out beyond the apartment to the outside. There his sensitive ears picked up the sound of a slight breeze, a gentle swoosh of something soft in the air. It was snowing. Sitting up, Jim looked out the window across the room. The white fluffy flakes bounced silently against the pane of glass. Without a second thought, the big man scooted out of the warmth of his bed and pulled on his robe and slippers. He went to his closet and easily found the thick quilt he kept there, which he never needed, then padded quietly downstairs. Standing next to the small bed, Jim smiled down on the huddled form beneath the blanket. Even in the dark, he could see the minute shivers as his friend slept. Gently, so as not to wake him, Jim covered Blair with the quilt and was rewarded with a sleepy sigh. Here comes Suzy Snowflake; Soon you will hear her say, "Come out everyone and play with me; I haven't long to stay. Blair ran up the stairs to Jim's bedroom calling out that it had snowed during the night. Jim grumbled when he was bounced around on his bed as an excited bundle of Sandburg flung himself down beside him. It was Saturday. A day off from the station and, no, he didn't want to play in the snow. Jim rolled over and looked up into a face that looked way younger than its years. Blue eyes sparkling, long curls in disarray, the thick quilt wrapped around his shoulders against the apartment's chill. How could he refuse? If you want to make a snowman, I'll help you make one, two, three. If you wanna take a sleigh ride, The ride's on me." A snowman, a snowball fight, and two snow angles later, the two men were dry and warm again. A fire crackled gently, hot cocoa steaming, an old movie on the television, and two friends stretched comfortably on the sofa. A tree twinkled brightly in one corner, gifts beneath it waiting for the coming of Christmas morning. Yes, it was Saturday. A day off to relax, to spend time with a best friend ... and, yes, they did play in the snow. Here comes Suzy Snowflake; Look at her tumblin' down, Bringing joy to ev'ry girl and boy; Suzy's come to town. Author: @Suzie33 ![]()
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