Friday, December 23, 2022


A Christmas Message

We have seen His star in the east
We must go to worship Him..

Today's Song is ...

Holy Night - Instrumental

Today's Inspiring Poem is ...

Have you ever thought how it might be if we were not allowed to have a Christmas tree. To walk the beaches nor the park, To fear outside after dark?

Have you ever thought how it might be If our windows were covered and we could not see For the fear out there that might peep inside Where we cower in one room where many reside?

Hoping to survive just one more night Without the killing and without a fight Never being able in public to pray Or go shopping with friends on a nice sunny day?

To never praise God and his love And be slaughtered if we mentioned Heaven above No food or heat, no water and light Just huddle together hungry each night?

Nothing to look forward to but sadness and fear In other parts of the world Christmas is here Why wouldn't we all get on our knees and pray For a safer time and a happier day?

As we enjoy our holiday season Do all of us really need a reason To be loving and thankful and work together To make our world safe for each other forever?

This is my Christmas message to you Be good Americans in all you do Please put aside hate and discontent Be thankful for what our Lord has sent.

Remember our comrades far, far away And pray for them a better day For those who live in Heaven above Pray for their families let them feel our love.

Please pray for our Government and may they see The needs that we have, yes you and me Help other countries but don't forget Your people have necessities that cannot be met.

I know with prayer, these problems will be solved And much needed help will reach us all You have an unthankful job to do I hope every American will pray for you.

This is my Christmas message for everyone Who heed all evil and honors His Son Let us be thankful and may I just say Be happy we can celebrate this Christmas Day.

~ Stay Safe and Merry Christmas ~

© Ginny Bryant ~ Journey Of Love ~ Dec. 2004

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